Tartu, 17. märts
2003. Tartu Ülikooli Euroopa Kolledž kutsub ajakirjanikke
osalema Euroopa Liidu alases Eesti-Soome koolitusprogrammis "Key
groups into key positions". Projekti juhib Turu Ülikooli Jean Monnet
Centre of Excellence.
Koolitusprogrammi raames toimub 3 seminari: Turus (mai 2003),
Helsinkis ja Tallinnas (september 2003). Töökeeleks on inglise keel.
Kõik osalemisega seotud kulud (v.a Eesti-sisene transport) kaetakse
projekti eelarvest.
Sihtrühmas on 6 eestlast ja 12 soomlast. Rühma komplekteerimine
sellisel põhimõttel annab osalejaile lisaväärtusena võimaluse
vahetada kogemusi ja tihendada kontakte Soome kolleegidega.
Lektoriteks on oma ala parimad asjatundjad Soomest ja Eestist.
Koolitusprogrammis osaleda soovijail palume täita taotlusankeet
Euroopa Kolledži koduleheküljel
hiljemalt 28. märtsiks
Siiri Maimets
Euroopa Kolledž, Tartu Ülikool
Tel: 07 375 199
Koolitusprogrammi kava:
1) 19.-22.05.2003 Turkku
The Finnish experiences of the EU-membership, has the strategy been
Lessons of the Finnish strategy
- Has Membership benefited Finland?
- Finland and other Nordic Member States - differences and
communalities The Future?
The position and role of European Union in the Baltic Sea area as a
political and economic power
- EU-Russia Relations, Is EU a real partner for Russia
- Energy questions in the Baltic Sea Region and the Energy Strategy
of the EU in the Baltic Sea Region
- The Northern Dimension
- The Schengen Regime and its implications in Baltic Sea Region
- The Baltic Sea as an Internal Sea of the EU: internal market,
environmental issues
- Does EU need Common Defence Policy in the Baltic Sea Region,
towards a Great Power EU?
The future of European Union
- The European Convention: What Kind of EU in the Pipeline
- Future alternatives of the EU: intergovernmental - federal or
- What Kind of a Union for Small Member-States
2) 03.-05.09.2003 Helsinki
The position of regions and local authorities of the European Union:
Challenges of the Future
- Good governance
- Reform of structural funds
- The Position of Regions in the Future EU, Who Speaks for Regions
and local Authorities?
The Budget Reform
The New European Economy
Lisbon process as a European reform model
European Social Model
New Europe - Old Europe: different other models - different
Single Currency - Single Economic Policy? The future of Economic
Policy Coordination
3) 22.-23.09.2003 Tallinn
The role of civil societies in the EU;
- Lobbying and Interest Representation in the EU
- Baltic Small states in the EU
Wrap-up of the Training Programme