Estonian Newspaper Association (EALL) is an non-profit organisation
working in the common interests of newspapers. EALL unites 38 newspapers published in Estonia,
with a total daily circulation of 587,000 copies.
EALL aims at defending the common interests and rights of
newspapers, proceeding from internationally recognized principles
of democratic journalism.
To fulfil its goals EALL:
- represents newspapers by influencing processes relating to newspaper
publishing (lobby in parliament, distribution,
printing, advertising, ownership);
- develops co-operation with media organisations in Estonia and
- offers member papers a chance to exchange ideas and compare
notes in a professional environment;
- in conjunction with Press Council, upholds good journalistic practice
and fights against violations of the freedom of the press;
- promotes access to public information as a right of every
- organises training courses for newspaper managers and editors,
arranges contests for newspapers;
- collects and publishes media statistics, distributes information
on newspapers from Estonia and abroad;
- nominates annually the most press-friendly and the most press-hostile
public figure.
EALL was founded in 1990.
EALL is a member of the World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
since 1991. EALL is a member of the News Media Europe (NME).
EALL is financed from membership fees.