Tallinn, 29. detsember. Juba kaheksandat korda on
Euroopa ja USA ajakirjanikel võimalus taotleda osavõttu ajakirjanike
täienduskoolitusest Berliini Ülikooli juures asuvas
Journalisten-Kolleg´is. Koolitusprogramm algab 2006. aasta
oktoobris ja kestab kaks semestrit. Taotlusi saab esitada kuni 31.
jaanuarini 2006. Taotlused palume saata otse korraldajale, lähem
info www.ejf.fu-berlin.de
Tallinn, 10. märts. Euroopa Ajakirjanduskeskus
(EJC) korraldab 16 kolmepäevast seminari Euroopa Põhiseaduse lepingu
teemadel. Täpsema ajakava, sisukirjeldused ning registreerimise
vormi leiate EJC kodulehelt
Tallinn, 9. veebruar. Euroopa Ajakirjanduskeskus
(EJC) korraldab märtsist kuni detsembrini Büsselis ja
Frankfurdis rea seminare euro kohta.
EJC katab
osavõtjate majutuse ja transpordi kulud.
palutakse saata CV koos sooviavalduse ja toimetaja soovitusega
Marjan Tillmansile tillmans@ejc.nl.
Öelda tuleb ka, millisel seminaril soovite osaleda.
On 1 January 2002 EURO notes and coins were
introduced in the Member States, gradually replacing the national
currencies. On 28 February 2002 the transitional stage of dual
circulation came to an end. The EURO is now the sole currency for more
than 300 million Europeans. The challenges facing the long-term
success of EMU (European Monetary Union) are continued
budgetary consolidation and closer co-ordination of Member States'
economic policies. Finally, the
introduction of the single currency in Europe had the potential to
steer the Union towards a greater international role.
For journalists in
the “old” member states the introduction of the Euro already seems a
long time ago, but the current debate on new member countries joining
the EURO brings the issue back to the fore.
The debate about the EURO
centres around the question of how and when the New Member States
would join the single currency but due to the symbolic value of the
EURO, the debate in the new member states will also give an indication
on how their citizens are coming to terms with the enlarged European
Creating awareness about
the new countries of an enlarged EU, and explaining the reasons for
the EMU policy and its possible contribution towards meeting the needs
of “old” and “new” European citizens is crucial to a successful
implementation of the policy.
It is therefore important
to give journalists the tools, background information and
understanding of the economic and financial aspects, as well as the
potential impact of the EURO introduction that will allow them to
produce accurate and informed news about these issues.
At the initiative of the
European Commission, Directorate General Economics & Finance (EcFin),
the European Journalism Centre (EJC) will organise a series of
8 information seminars in 2005, also in co-operation with European
Central Bank (ECB). The workshop will take place in Brussels (2
days) and at ECB headquarters in Frankfurt (2 days).
1st seminar: 01/04
March 2005 The new countries joining the EURO (Reporters
from the ten new Member States + limited number of journalists from
Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia);
2nd seminar:
05/08 April 2005 “Old Europe”: happy with the EURO?!
(Reporters from the Euro-zone countries + limited number of
journalists from United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden);
seminar: 17/20 May 2005 The new countries joining the EURO
(Reporters from the ten new Member States + limited number of
journalists from Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia);
4th seminar: 31 May / 3rd June 2005 “Old Europe”: happy with
the EURO?! (Reporters from the Euro-zone countries + limited
number of journalists from United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden);
5th seminar: 05/08 July 2005 The new countries joining the
EURO (Reporters from the ten new Member States + limited number of
journalists from Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia);
6th seminar: 30
August /2 September 2005 The new countries joining the EURO
(Reporters from the ten new Member States + limited number of
journalists from Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia);
7th seminar: 31
October / 4 November 2005 (Special briefing for Third Countries’
journalists: US, Canada, Japan, Korea, Singapore and selected
East-Asian countries);
8th seminar: 29
November / 2nd December 2005“Old Europe”: happy with the EURO?!
(Reporters from the Euro-zone countries + limited number of
journalists from United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden);
Participants should be professional
working journalists with proven experience in economic/ financial /
business / political journalism; Participants should have the support
of their editor (or interest of potential clients if freelances);
Participants should have language capacity (English) to follow the
seminar discussions.
Journalists can present their
candidature by sending a motivation letter, a reference from their
editor and a CV to Marjan Tillmans
(tillmans@ejc.nl). Candidates must indicate the date and subject of
the seminar they wish to attend. Enrolment in each seminar will
continue until all places are filled.
Travel and accommodation costs are
paid for by the organisers.
Tallinn, 21. jaanuar. Soome
saatkond Eestis pakub noortele ajakirjanikele võimalust
kandideerida ja osaleda Soome välisministeeriumi pressi- ja
kultuuriosakonna poolt
korraldatavatel suvekursustel 2005. aasta aasta augustis.
Kursused toimuvad ajavahemikus
1. kuni 31. augustini 2005 ning nende
kohta võib rohkem lugeda Soome välisministeeriumi
http://formin.finland.fi/english rubriigist "Scholarships
for newly graduated journalists in Finland 2005, Work as foreign
correspondent in Finland". Kursustest võtavad
osa noored ajakirjanikud paljudest maailma maadest.
Kandideerijatelt oodatakse head inglise keele oskust nii kõnes kui kirjas.
Kandideerida võivad 20-30aastased ajakirjanikud või
ajakirjanduseriala üliõpilased.
Kandideerijad peavad esitama
inglise keeles:
1. Vabas vormis kirjutatud
avalduse (maksimaalselt 1 lk.)
2. Oma CV (maksimaalselt
1 lk.)
3. Essee või artikli (600-800
sõna), mis näitab kirjutaja huvi Soome vastu. Teema on vabalt valitav.
Eelpool nimetatud
dokumendid tuleb toimetada
Soome suursaatkonda Tallinnas hiljemalt 15. märtsiks 2005. Saatkonna aadress: Soome suursaatkond, Kohtu tn. 4, 15180 Tallinn, pressi- ja kultuurinõunik Ilmi Villasic.
Saatkond teeb kandideerijate
hulgast oma valiku ja saadab selle välisministeeriumi info- ja
kultuuriosakonnale, kus tehakse kursustest osavõtjate lõplik valik.
Kandideerijatele teatatakse tulemustest aprilli lõpus-mai
Täiendav informatsioon:
Ants Puusepp
või Ilmi Villacis 6103226,
ilmi.villacis@formin.fi |