
Seminar ajakirjanikele: Töö Euroopa Liidu infoallikatega

Aeg: 8. oktoober 2004 kl 10-17.30
Koht: Välisministeeriumi seminarisaal, Islandi väljak 1, Tallinn
Sihtrühm: ajalehtede ja eetrimeedia ajakirjanikud
Peaesineja:  John Frølich, EL temaatika kajastamise õppejõud Taani Ajakirjanduskoolis
Seminari juht: Villu Känd, EL teabetalituse juht

- EL temaatika igapäevane kajastamine Eestist. Igahommikused EL uudised sinu meilipostkastis. Taani pressi kaasused ja kogemused. Kümme nõuannet EL allikate asjas. EL veebilehed ja andmebaasid;
- Korrespondendina Brüsselis. Kohapealse kajastamise eelised;
- EL põhiseaduse leping;
- Praktiline töö päeva uudistelindiga;
- Videokonverents Eesti esindusega Brüsselis.

inglise ja eesti, tõlketa
Korraldajad: EL teabetalitus, Välisministeerium, Ajalehtede Liit
ei ole.
Soovitame osavõtjatel end enne seminari EL põhiseaduse lepinguga kurssi viia.

Registreerimine 6. oktoobriks,, tel 646 1005. Samas lisainfo.


10:00 Introduction and presentation. Outline of the seminar


How to cover EU from Estonia, including:
    • Tips and tricks about day-to-day coverage. EU-news in your mailbox every morning.

    • Ten tips concerning EU-sources

    • Case studies and experiences from the Danish Press.
      11:20 – 11:30 – Coffee break

    • Short demo of most important EU-websites and Databases

12:00 How to be a correspondent in Bruxelles. Advantages of being in Bruxelles. How is a typical day of an EU-correspondent? 
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30 Exercise: Today’s news from Bruxelles. (Participants have to read Press Releases before arriving)
14:15 Report from groups and discussion
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Videoconference:  Link to Estonian Mission in Bruxelles
16:15 Concluding discussion: How to improve EU-coverage in Estonia?

Brief Curriculum Vitae
John Frølich

Born 21 May 1954 in Copenhagen

Professional employment record:

1992-2004: Ass. Professor, The Danish School of Journalism. (DSJ)

1995-2004: Course-manager for the Danish Institute for mid-career training in journalism (DJE). Courses about EU, general courses, EU-ABC and EU-DEF, and specialised courses for environmental reporters, for labour market and business reporters. Spring 2002: Seminars and courses preparing reporters to the Danish Presidency of the European Union.

2000: EU reporter in Bruxelles. (One year leave from DSJ)

Correspondent for Christian Daily and a number of special magazines.

1999 and 2000: EU-courses in Brussels for Czech and Slovak Journalists. Financed by Danida, The Danish Foreign Ministry.

1994-: Involved in international projects at the DSJ.

From the beginning of 1995 Project Co-ordinator of the three-year programme "Development of Journalism Training in Albania", financed by Danida, the Danish Foreign Ministry.

1990-1991: Kolding Folkeblad. A regional paper based in the city of Kolding. Head of the Kolding Office.

1989-90: Guest lecturer at The Danish School of Journalism.

1985-89: Information Officer in the mayor's office at the Municipality of Aarhus. Close corporation with Thorkild Simonsen, former mayor of Aarhus.

1984: Reporter at Radio South, DR’s branch (regional radio) in Aabenraa.

1981: Ritzaus Bureau, The leading Danish News Agency.

1980: Aarhus Folkeblad, a local weekly in Aarhus.


2001: European Studies at The University of Aarhus. European Studies is a two-year multidisciplinary field of study, organised by The Centre for European Cultural Studies at Aarhus University. (Open University) The program offers three main modules, European History, European Politics and European Culture.

1997: Graduated from a one year Diploma Course in foreign news reporting.

1984: Nordic Journalism Course. (A three months' course, financed by the Nordic Council)

1980: Graduated from the Danish School of Journalism (DSJ), including 18 month of internship at two Danish newspapers.

1975: General Certificate of Education A-level (Specialisation in French).



Eesti Ajalehtede Liit

Pärnu mnt 67A
10134 Tallinn Estonia
Tel. +372 646 1005
Fax. +372 631 1210

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