Tallinn, May 21, 2002 - The Open Estonia Foundation, in cooperation
with the Estonian Newspaper Association, organized an international
seminar "Transparency and Opennness in the Public Sphere"
in Tallinn from May 17-18.
Participants from 16 countries called for more safeguards to secure
the implementation of access to public information laws in Central
and Eastern Europe and CIS. Participants represented NGOs, the media
sector, civil servants, freedom of information (FOI) experts.
Seminar organizer Ivar Tallo said the event achieved its aim of
enabling a fruitful exchange of views and experience of how
to create and implement FOI legislation.
Among the topics needing a follow-up, participants mentioned the
1) further co-ordination of the legislative process,
2) exchange of experince in implementing FOI laws,
3) training of journalists on how to use FOI laws for the public
Several sessions were devoted to the case of Estonia: its new FOI
law and the e-government.
Estonian Newspaper
Association (EALL)